Quick User Guide | Sales Staff

Documentation Guide for Fulfillment


  1. E-commerce orders:  [Sales] E-commerce > Processing Orders > Order Confirmation

  2. Online shopping cart shipping options:  [Sales] E-Commerce > Shopping Cart > Shipping Options

  3. Freight and shipping calculations:  [Sales] Freight and Shipping Charges > Calculations

  4. Shipping methods:  [Sales] Freight and Shipping Charges > Creating Shipping Methods

  5. Calculating Shipping Weights:  [Sales] Freight and Shipping Charges > Calculating Total Weight

  6. Setting shipping settings within the product catalog:  [Sales] Freight and Shipping Charges > Shipping Settings within an Inventory Item

  7. Rental deliveries:  [Sales] Rental > Rental Contracts > Managing Rental Deliveries


  1. Connect EBMS to UPS Worldship:  [Sales] Freight and Shipping Charges > Using EBMS Data within UPS Worldship

  2. Connect to UPS and FedEx rate tables:  [Sales] Freight and Shipping Charges > Connecting directly UPS WorldShip or FedEx Rate Tables