Quick User Guide | Sales Staff

Documentation Guide for Sales Manager

Staff responsible to Sales Manager

Select the individual staff links for guides for subordinates


  1. Create proposal templates:  [Sales] Proposals > Proposal Sets and Templates > Templates

  2. Point of Sale Overview:  Review [Sales] Point of Sale > Overview to determine which POS options are needed.
  3. Limit some advanced tools for sales clerk and salesman:  [Sales] Invoices > Voiding a Sales Invoice,

  4. Configure sales invoice forms and notes:  [Sales] Invoices > Printing a Sales Invoice or Payment Receipt and [Sales] Invoices > Printing Notes on Invoice

  5. Online shopping cart:  [Sales] E-Commerce > Shopping Cart > Overview

  6. Sales tax:  [Sales] Sales Tax > Overview

  7. Setup Auto Send to e-mail invoices and quotes with the help of IT Manager:  [Sales] CRM > Auto Send > Auto Send Sales Orders or Invoices and [Sales] CRM > Auto Send > Auto Sending Proposals

  8. Sales transactions:  [Sales] General Ledger Transactions > Overview

  9. Configure a remote POS solution using the XPresssPOS:  [Sales] Point of Sale >Xpress POS system > Overview

  10. Miscellaneous Customers: Review [Sales] Miscellaneous Customers > Overview to determine if this option should be available to the sales staff.

Salesperson Commissions

  1. Add and manage salesperson staff  [Sales] Salesperson Commissions > Adding New Salespersons

  2. Manage salesperson rates:  [Sales] Salesperson Commissions > Rates

  3. Evaluate invoices and quotes per salesperson:  [Sales] Salesperson Commissions > Viewing a Salesperson's Invoices and Quotes

  4. Process commissions:  [Sales] Salesperson Commissions > Paying Commissions