
Hyperlink to EBMS Documents

EBMS documents such as invoices, customers, journals, or vendors can be opened using hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a convenient way to attach a document to an e-mail, outlook calendar, or short cut.

The user that opens an EBMS document using a hyperlink must have access to the EBMS data.  The hyperlink can only be used on a system where EBMS is installed and therefore won't work if it is sent to those who do not have EBMS.  A user must log into EBMS each time a hyperlink is selected unless EBMS is already running on the user's computer.

The format of an EBMS hyperlink is:

EBMS:filename?document key

All EBMS hyperlinks are prefixed with EBMS:. The filename indicates the data file name that contains the information. Note that the suffix of the file may not be included. The document key is the unique identifier for the document. The document key for a sales invoice is the invoice number. The document key for a customer is the customer ID.

Example: The hyperlink for a sales invoice is EBMS:ARINV?9018

  • ARINV is the file name for a sales invoice.  The file name does not need to be capital letters.

  • The file name is separated from the invoice number by the ? character.

  • 9018 is the invoice number.

The user can click Start > Run from the main Windows menu and enter EBMS:ARINV?9018 and the sales invoice 9018 will open.

Some documents have multiple keys such as an expense invoice. The expense invoice combines the vendor and the invoice number to make the document unique. The hyperlink for an expense invoice is EBMS:APINV?ABC|20415.

  • Prefix is EBMS:

  • Expense file name of APINV.

  • The file name is suffixed by the ? character.

  • The vendor ID ABC and the invoice number 20415 is separated by the filter character | . The filter character is on the right side of the keyboard with the \ key.

The following list describes the file names and keys for a number of common documents.

Document Name

File Name

Document Key (note the filter character)

Sales Invoice


Invoice number

Expense Invoice


Vendor ID | invoice number



Task number



Customer ID



Vendor ID



Employee ID



Job ID



Inventory ID



Quote ID

General Ledger Journal


Journal ID

General Ledger Account


General ledger account

The payroll module of the EBMS system does not facilitate hyperlinks. Future versions of EBMS may accommodate this feature.

Contact your EBMS consultant for any additional file names or keys for documents that are not listed.