Fixed Assets and Depreciation | Fixed Assets
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  3. Fixed Assets and Depreciation | Fixed Assets

Adding or Deleting Fixed Asset Folders

The asset folder feature assists in organizing assets into depreciation groups with similar general ledger accounts.

EXAMPLE: The user may wish to group Buildings, Equipment, and Vehicle assets into separate folders to match the asset accounts found within the General Ledger. A subfolder under Equipment may be useful to group equipment from different departments or costs centers.

Having good asset category folders set up makes it simple to add a new fixed asset, because similar asset, liability, and expense General Ledger accounts are grouped together.

Setting Up Asset Folders

Go to the Financials > Deprecation > Options > Asset Categories tab, shown in the following window:

Disposed fixed assets may be set as Inactive rather than deleting the asset. By doing this, the asset history is preserved but not printed on many of the reports.

Adding a Folder

To add a folder, highlight the folder in which the new folder is to appear and click the New Folder button. Enter the Folder Name of the new folder. Toggle the Allow only subfolders switch ON to allow assets to be entered directly into the folder or OFF to restrict the new folder and allow assets to be entered only into subfolders. Press OK to create the new folder.

Deleting a Folder

Click the Delete Folder button to remove a folder. A folder cannot be deleted if there are assets within the folder.

Review Folder Groups for more details on adding and changing folder lists.