Expense Invoices

Viewing Vendor Invoices

Vendor invoices can be viewed several ways:

  1. Go to Expenses > Vendors and select a vendor. Click on the Invoices tab of the vendor record and set Status to All, Outstanding, or Paid.

  2. To view or edit an invoice, highlight the appropriate one and click the Invoice button. (You can also double-click on an invoice with the mouse to open it.) Review the Vendor History section for more details.

  3. To locate an invoice by a product listed on the invoice, go to Inventory > Product Catalog and select the product. On the product record, choose a Year tab that contains history. Right-click on one of the Quantity or Cost total fields and select Drill Down to list the invoices that add up to the total amount purchased in the selected month. Double-click the desired purchase order or highlight and click the Invoice button. Review the Inventory History section of the Inventory documentation for more details.

  4. Open the invoice window by selecting Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s. to open the following dialog.  To display invoices for a specific vendor, set the Vendor option button and enter the Vendor ID. Set the Status field to Outstanding to list outstanding invoices or Paid to list the invoices that have been paid. To view all invoices and orders, set Vendor option button to All instead of Vendor and set Status to Outstanding. Use the query feature to find a specific invoice based on other invoice criteria.

  5. If you want to open the invoice based on the general ledger account used within the invoice, take the following steps:

    1. Go to Financials > Chart of Accounts to open the chart of accounts list.

    2. Choose the expense or cost of sales G/L account used within the invoice and open a General Ledger Account window.

    3. Open the year history tab based on the invoice date. For example, if the invoice date was in the fiscal year 2022, click on the 2022 tab.

    4. Drill down on the month contained in the invoice date by right-clicking on the monthly total and the following list will open:

NOTE: The ID field contains the vendor ID, Reference 2 contains the invoice number, Date is the invoice date, and the Trans. Amount equals the invoice amount for the detail line that contains the G/L Account that was selected. The Source will equal "API" if an expense invoice created the transaction.

To print or preview a variety of invoice reports, go to File > Reports > Expenses > Invoices.

Only a limited number of fields (such as the description column) can be changed after the invoice has been processed. To change or edit other information, a processed invoice must be voided and reprocessed. Review the Changing or Voiding Vendor Invoices section for more details. If an invoice has not been processed, it is considered a purchase order and can be freely edited.