Fixed Assets and Depreciation | Fixed Assets
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  3. Fixed Assets and Depreciation | Fixed Assets

Changing an Asset's Depreciation Method

At times it may be necessary to change a depreciation method after a fixed asset has been entered and accumulated depreciation has been applied. Go to Financials > Depreciation > Depreciable Assets and select the asset you wish to change. Note: If the Depreciation module is not installed, no Depreciation options will show up in the menu.

  1. Set the asset to status "Hold".

  2. Add the new target method from the New button under Methods.

  3. Change primary switch to the new method and make sure there is a checkmark next to the correct depreciation method. (This action should verify the process to move accumulated assets.)

  4. Remove the old method if desired.

  5. Set status to Depreciate.

  6. Click OK to save changes.