Bank Feed

Configuring Bank Feed

Set up a Plaid connection or remove an API connection

EBMS uses a Plaid software integration to download online bank account transactions to the bank feed dialog. EBMS will create a Plaid account for each new bank account that is selected within the bank feed dialog. A quality internet connection and an existing online bank account must be established before continuing with this section. The following online Plaid banner page will appear when connection is made with the Plaid gateway.

Submit and validate your bank credentials:

Select your financial institution:

The specific bank account within the institution will be selected within EBMS bank feed:

The following success banner indicates you're ready to download transactions.  This configuration is only required during initial setup.

Disconnect a Bank Account from Bank Feed

To remove a bank feed connection, open a bank account record from EBMS. To get there, select Expenses > Bank Accounts from the main EBMS menu and double-click a bank account to open a Bank Account record. Go to the General tab on the Bank Accounts window.

Right-click API Token and select Clear ​​​​​​​from the context menu to disable bank feed for this account. Click OK to save changes.