Vendor Payments

Invoice or Purchase Order Down Payment

How to apply down payments to invoices

EBMS allows the user to apply a down payment toward a purchase order or unprocessed invoice. Down payments are recorded within a G/L account classified as a prepaid expense until the expense invoice is processed. This feature can be useful if a check needs to be generated quickly but the invoice detail has not been fully entered. Since a purchase order (unprocessed invoice) can be edited, a check can be printed before the invoice detail is entered. Follow the steps listed below to process a down payment made to a vendor:

  1. Go to Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s and open the purchase order. Review the Viewing and Editing Sales Orders section for more details in locating and viewing a purchase order.

  2. Select Down Payment from the invoice header menu File, and the following window will appear:

  3. Enter the total down payment Amount to pay.

  4. Verify the payment Date and Checking Account and click OK. The following dialog will open:

  5. Verify that the First Check No matches the first preprinted check document. Change the check number if necessary.

  6. Verify that the proper printer is selected and click Print to print checks.

A dialog will appear to verify that the check was printed properly. Click Yes if the check was printed properly and the down payment will be processed or click No if the check did not print properly. The down payment process will be aborted if you selected No, which allows the user to start again.

If a down payment has processed properly, the Paid field on the bottom of the invoice will reflect the total amount paid.

If you have made a down payment with a handwritten check, go through the same steps listed above. Change the First Check No to equal the handwritten check number; print the check on scrap paper or Print Preview to process the payment.