Serialized Items | Selling and/or Associating an item with a customer
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  3. Serialized Items | Selling and/or Associating an item with a customer

Pricing Serialized Items

Pricing Serialized Items

EBMS enables the user a lot of flexibility in pricing serialized items. The price can be based on the inventory item similar to standard items. This method requires all the individual items to be priced the same based on the inventory ID code.

This allows the user to customize a specific unit and change the price for the specific unit.  Trade-in items, used equipment, customized equipment, and other specialized units can be managed and priced using this feature.  

  1. Inventory items can be priced based on the last cost. The last cost is based on the most recent cost of the serial number and does not include added costs.

  2. Item pricing can be calculated from the list price or base price.

  3. Item pricing can be set manually.

Review the Pricing section for details on standard pricing options.

A price can be associated to individual serial numbers. This price can override the pricing formula setup within the inventory item.

Complete the following steps required to price based on individual serial numbers.

  1. Open the serialized item by clicking on Inventory > Serialized Items or by selecting an item from the Serial Numbers tab of the inventory item.

  2. Click on the General tab as shown below:

  1. Enable the Use the price and description from item in the sales invoice option to override the inventory item pricing with the Sales price recorded on the serialized item.  The Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s tab combine line option setting will be ignored when this option is enabled.

  1. Open a sales invoice and add a serialized item on the invoice as shown below:

  2. Enter a Inventory item that is classified as a serialized item and the following window will appear:

  3. Select the correct Serial Number items that are being sold.