Piecework Pay

Piecework Forms and Reports

Piecework Forms and Reports

Piecework Forms and Reports

Piecework pay will be summarized on the employee’s pay check stub as shown below:

The amount of space available to display the piecework information is limited so the user may need to generate an additional report for the employee. Complete the following steps to generate this report.

  1. Go to File > Reports to open the reports menu.

  2. Select Reports > Labor > Piecework to view the available piecework reports.

  3. Select the Piecework by Employee & Pay Period report and click on the Print button.

  4. Set the Range of employees or select All Employees to print piecework details for all employees.

  5. Select the current pay period from the Range prompt to print only the piecework information from a single pay period.

  6. Enable the Do Not Print Details to print a piecework summary. This option should be disabled to list each individual piecework item. The details is important if the employee wishes to compare ticket stubs to the report.

  7. Enable the New Page for Each Employee option if the report is given to individual employees.  The following report sample includes details.images\ebx_891155651.gif

The following report is a summary.
