Tasks | Customizing Task Views
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Task Status Settings

The Status setting is a common task setting used to group or query tasks and work orders. The status of a task is displayed on the lower right corner of the task.

The status value is not changed directly by the user but is set based on the conditions of various information within the task.

The standard tasks status options are as follows:




Timecard > Completed is disabled


Timecard > Completed is disabled and General > Pending is enabled

Waiting for Parts

Timecard > Completed is disabled and Materials > Waiting on Parts is enabled


Timecard > Completed is enabled


Advanced > Approved By is populated and Timecard > Completed is enabled


Timecard > Completed is enabled and the attached invoice is processed


Completed is enabled. Approved BY is populated and (Attached invoice status is paid OR (No invoice is attaced and the Billing > Billable is zero))

The system evaluates each condition according to the sort order of the records. The sort order is extremely important because the status is set when the first condition is TRUE. Additional status settings and conditions can be added to the EBMS task system by adding records within the TAStatus.DBF file.

Review the Getting Started > Using Tasks as Work Orders section for a status diagram when using a task as a work order.