Payment Card Processing | Loyalty Cards
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  3. Payment Card Processing | Loyalty Cards

Adding and Redeeming Loyalty Points

To add or redeem points on a loyalty card, the customer record must first be configured for the loyalty card within EBMS software. Review the Configuring a Customer Record to Use a Loyalty Card section for the steps to accomplish this task.

Adding Loyalty Points

To add points to a customer loyalty card at the point of sale, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Sales Invoice Entry dialog through the main EBMS menu by selecting Sales > Invoices and S.O.s. and selecting an invoice or go to Sales > New Sales Order.
  2. Swipe the customer loyalty card through a card swipe device. This will populate the sales order form with the customer information.
    Note: The credit card payment device card swipe, such as Verifone Point device, cannot be used to activate or enter points on a loyalty card. An additional card swipe, such as a keyboard card swipe, must be used if the salesperson wants to be able to swipe the card while activating. Cards can be entered manually without a swipe device by typing in the loyalty card number.
  3. Process the sales order and EBMS will send the Loyalty points to the loyalty card provider. Loyalty points are added to the card based on the subtotal of the customer's purchase.

Redeeming Loyalty Points

When a customer has accrued enough points on a loyalty card to be able to redeem them for merchandise or other benefits (as established by the merchant), the loyalty card essentially becomes a gift card, and the monetary award value is accessed and applied in the same manner as a gift card.

Review the Paying Using Gift Cards section for the steps to apply payment to a Sales Order using a gift card.

Change Customer on a Sales Order using the Loyalty Card

Swiping a customer's loyalty card while a Sales Order is open will change the Bill To customer of the Sales Order automatically. Use a magnetic swipe device/keyboard to do so; a payment device will not work.