
Making a Vendor Inactive

A vendor should never be deleted (even when the vendor no longer exists) unless there have never been any transactions with the vendor. It is possible to delete a vendor when no new transactions have occurred within the years maintained by the system. For example, if all transactions with that vendor occurred four years ago or before and all those transaction years have been removed from the system using the purge utility, that vendor could be safely deleted.  An easy way to check whether a vendor has history is to look for year tabs on their vendor account record.

Instead of deleting a vendor record entirely, these alternative actions are recommended:

  1. Merge the existing vendor account with another vendor account. This option is the preferred option if accounts were duplicated, or two accounts need to be merged into one. Review Merging Accounts vs. Deleting Accounts for more details.

  2. Change the vendor status to Inactive. Once a vendor is made inactive, the account will be removed from a number of reports. Inactive vendors remain in the same folder location but may be hidden from search lists by unselecting Show Inactive at the bottom of the list.

Take the following steps to make a vendor inactive:

  1. Open the vendor window by selecting Expenses > Vendors.

  2. Select the vendor to be made inactive.

  3. Enable the Inactive checkbox for the selected vendor account page. (This option can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the General tab.)

  4. Save the status change by clicking the OK button.

To make a vendor active again, disable the Inactive checkbox option. 

NOTE:  All inactive (accounts, vendors, etc.) will be grayed on the search lists when the Show Inactive option is enabled at the bottom of the list.