CRM | Auto Send

Auto Send Additional Documents

How to attach additional files to an email

Enable Additional Documents | Identify Files in Document Storage | Scenarios and Training

Auto Send is designed to automate sending various EBMS documents via email.  Auto Send also allows the user to attach various additional files, such as PDF documents, images, and other file formats.

Review the following setup instructions to configure Auto Send to include other stored documents when sending an Auto Send email.

  • Enable the Auto Send mode to email additional documents located within a common folder.

  • Identify the files within Document Storage to send along with the main document.

Enable Additional Documents

Complete the following steps to enable Auto Send to include additional documents:

  1. Select File > Auto Send Options from the main EBMS menu and click on the Auto Send Modes tab:

  2. Select an Auto Send Mode from the list and click Properties to open the Send Mode Properties window (shown below) or click New to create a new Send Mode.

  3. On the main Send Mode Properties tab, set the Report Settings. Assign reports or forms to Report 1, Report 2, or Report 3 to include an EBMS report or form in the email. (In the example above, Report 1 is set to include the Invoice (Plain Paper) form for this send mode.) All reports may be kept blank to only email documents stored as associated files located in Document Storage or the Common Folder.

  4. Configure the Folder Path to identify the additional document location. Leave this option blank if there are no additional documents. Click the Select button to choose between the following source options:

    1. Click Common Folder to identify a common file within a common folder for all reports. The purpose of this option is to include a common file that is included with all sent documents, such as an advertisement or an informational document.

    2. Click Document Storage to access the document storage folder associated with the current record. Review the following section for options available with Document Storage files.

  5. The Attach a copy of the document(s) when auto sending E-mails option MUST be enabled to attach any documents to the email, including additional documents attached through the Folder Path.

Identify Files within Document Storage  

The Document Storage option adds the capability to store specific documents within a customer record, vendor record, inventory item, task, invoice, sales quote, or other documents. Graphics files, design documents, PDFs, and a variety of other file formats can be attached to a document emailed via Auto Send. 

Click Select next to the Folder Path field on the Send Mode Properties tab and select Document Storage when prompted.

All files located within the designated Document Storage path will be included in the Auto Send process.

The default Folder Path of %Document% will print all documents associated with the selected document such as an invoice, customer, task, or other document identified in the Auto Send mode. Create a standard subdirectory in all document folders labeled \Print or other use-defined subdirectory to limit printing to a specified subset of files. The Folder Path example shown above will only include files in the %Document%\Print directory.

Note that the \Print subdirectory must be consistent for all included documents generated within this Auto Send mode.

Review General Auto Send Setup Instructions for more details on the Send Mode Properties.

Practical Scenarios and Additional Training Materials:

Scenario 1:  A hardscape supply company quoted a project that includes a patio, furniture, and landscape lighting. The designer attaches drawings of the patio, photos of the furniture, and a diagram of the lighting plans. These documents were included in the Document Storage print folder during the design. The drawings were included with the proposal when the salesperson sent the quote to the customer using the Send Now feature in Auto Send.  These design files were referenced within the quote as proposal appendixes.

Scenario 2:  An equipment service company offers a comprehensive service contract for multiple pieces of equipment for the client.  This company includes diagrams of equipment as well as customer-requested maintenance requirements within the document storage folder of the proposal. These informative documents are included with the service contract invoice as a convenient reference for the customer.  The same files are referenced by the service technician as the copies emailed with the service contract billing.

Scenario 3:  A company prints and mails a copy of each Accounts Payable invoice recorded within the expense invoice document storage that are being paid during a specific check run. The Auto Send Mode attaches the files to an email, the query identifies the document, and the Auto Send tool emails the document directly to the printer's email queue. This process allows the invoices to be scanned and stored at a remote site, printed along with the A/P checks, and included in the mailing of the payment.

Video: Auto Send Other Documents ERP Support Training