
Message Syntax

Messages can be compiled within EBMS to communicate to software users or to communicate to customers, vendors, or other accounts. The message text may include HTML code, EBMS placeholders, and other script functions to include dynamic information along with static text.

Message Tools

Communicating messages can be automated by using the following tools:

  1. Review Custom Messages to send comments to the EBMS user, warn the user, or to block the user from continuing based on dynamic information.

  2. Review [Sales] CRM > Auto Send > Overview to send various messages to specific accounts or to a group of accounts based on category.

Message Examples

Copy the script programming text from the following examples to custom messages within EBMS.

(AutoSend) Task or Workorder Message

<arcust.fname> <arcust.lname>


See the attached task/worker <TASK.TICKET>.

Thank you,



<glctl.city>, <glctl.state>  <glctl.ZIP>




(AutoSend) Customer Proposal Message


See the attached proposal <Order_NO>.

Thank you,



<glctl.city>, <glctl.state>  <glctl.ZIP>




Direct Deposit Message to Employee

<font face="Arial" size="3"><PYTM.NAME>,

Please find attached your <PYTM.PAY_DATE> Direct Deposit Notice.

The file is encrypted and the password is the last 4 digits of your SSN. You may need to download <a style="color:black;" href="https://get.adobe.com/reader"> Adobe Acrobat Reader </a> to open your notice.  Not all PDF readers can open encrypted files. 

All the best,

<b>Jane Doe</b> | Payroll & Billing Specialist

350 New Holland Ave.

Lancaster, PA 17602






<td colspan=2 style="background-color:black; text-align: center; padding: 5px;">

<span style="color:white;">Koble Systems

350 New Holland Ave, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602, USA</span>




(AutoSend) Vendor ACH Payment Message

<font face="Segoe UI" size="2">Hello <APVENDOR.F_NAME> <APVENDOR.L_Name>,

We've sent an ACH payment to the bank account you've specified. Here are a few details about the payment we've sent:

<b>Initiated Date:</b> <PAYMENT_DATE>

<b>Reference Number:</b> <CONTROL_NO>

Attached is a receipt for your records.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Kind Regards,

<b>Accounts Payable</b>

Koble Systems

350 New Holland Ave

Lancaster, PA 17602

<a href="mailto:ap@koblesystems.com">ap@koblesystems.com</a>



<font face="Arial" size=2" color="gray" >Koble Systems |  350 New Holland Ave.  |  Lancaster, PA 17602

If you would like to not receive any future emails from Koble Systems, you can reply to: <a href="mailto:ap@koblesystems.com">ap@koblesystems.com</a> with "Unsubscribe" in the email's subject line. Please allow up to 10 days for us to remove you from our sender list.</font>

(AutoSend) Customer ACH Payment Message

Thank you for your direct deposit/ACH payment!


Customer number: <recipient_id>

Payment Date: <Payment_dates>

Number: <Control_No>

<Payment detail>

Thank you for your business.

<b>Accounts Receivable</b>

Eagle Business Software

5351 Lincoln Hwy

Gap, PA 17527

<a href="mailto:AR@eaglebusinesssoftware.com">AR@eaglebusinesssoftware.com</a>




<font face="Arial" size=2" color="gray" >Eagle Business Software |  5351 Lincoln Hwy.  |  Gap, PA 17527 <br />

If you would like to not receive any future emails from Eagle Business Software, you can reply to: <a href="mailto:AR@eaglebusinesssoftware.com">AR@eaglebusinesssoftware.com</a> with "Unsubscribe" in the email's subject line. Please allow up to 10 days for us to remove you from our sender list.</font>

Sales Invoice Message to Customers

The following examples include HTML tags, web URLs, and EBMS placeholders as well as static text:

(AutoSend) Example for customers with invoices scheduled to pay


Your <arinv.descr> invoice is now available at <a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount" style="color:black">account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount</a>.

Account number: <RECIPIENT_ID>

Invoice: <ORDER_NO>

Invoice date: <ARINV.INV_DATE>

Payment due: <ARINV.DUE_DATE>

Invoice total: $<ARINV.TOTAL>

This invoice is set to AutoPay so your bill will automatically be paid by its due date.





<tr style="height:35px">

<td colspan=3 align="center" bgcolor="#1c3a30"><p style="color:white; font-weight: bold;"><a href=https://account.koblesystems.com/store/orderdetail?inv=<ORDER_NO>> View my invoice*<p></a></td>



<td colspan=3>We hope you enjoy the added convenience, security, and control of our online portal.

If you have any questions, please reach out.


Thank you for your business

<a style="color:black;" href="mailto:ar@koblesystems.com?subject=RE:%20Eagle%20Invoice%20<ORDER_NO>">ar@koblesystems.com</a>




<td colspan=3 style="background-color:black; text-align: center; padding: 5px;">

<p style="color:white;"><a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount">My Account</a> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <a href="https://www.koblesystems.com/resources">Client Resources</a></p>




<td colspan=3 style="background-color:black; text-align: center; padding: 5px;">

<span style="color:white;">Koble Systems

350 New Holland Ave, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602, USA</span>




(AutoSend) Example for customers that pay via credit card


Your <arinv.descr> invoice has now been paid in full.  Please find your receipt attached or login and save/print an invoice with the payment details: <a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount" style="color:black">account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount</a>

Account number: <RECIPIENT_ID>

Invoice number: <ORDER_NO>

Invoice date: <ARINV.INV_DATE>

Invoice total: $<ARINV.TOTAL>

This invoice was paid in full by a credit card or direct payment.

To view your invoice select the link below:






<tr style="height:35px">

<td colspan=3 align="center" bgcolor="#1c3a30"><span style="color:white; font-weight: bold;"><a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/orderdetail?inv=<ORDER_NO>" style="color:white"> View my invoice</a></span></td>



<td colspan=3> <span>We hope you enjoy the added convenience, security, and control of our online portal.

If you have any questions, please reach out.


Thank you for your business

<a style="color:black;" href="mailto:ar@koblesystems.com?subject=RE:%20Invoice%20<ORDER_NO>">ar@koblesystems.com</a>

(AutoSend) Example for customers that do not pay via Credit Card


Your <arinv.descr> invoice is now available at <a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount" style="color:black">account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount</a>.

Account number: <RECIPIENT_ID>

Invoice number: <ORDER_NO>

Invoice date: <ARINV.INV_DATE>

Payment due date: <ARINV.DUE_DATE>

Invoice total: $<ARINV.TOTAL></br>

This invoice is <i>not</i> set to AutoPay.To enjoy the benefits of AutoPay please fill out the attached ACH authorization form and email it to <a style="color:black;" href="mailto:ar@koblesystems.com?subject=RE:%20Invoice%20<ORDER_NO>">ar@koblesystems.com</a> <b><i>or </i></b><a style="color:black;" href="https://account.koblesystems.com/custom/paymentmethods">login</a> to your online account to configure. All AutoPay invoices are automatically paid 15 days after the invoice date. You will receive an invoice copy on the invoice date, and a payment receipt when the funds are withdrawn.



(AutoSend) Customer Statement with lots of HTML

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Your Koble account activity statement</title><meta charset="utf-8"><meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="x-apple-disable-message-reformatting"> <style>html, body{background-color: white;margin: 0 auto !important; padding: 0 !important; height: 100% !important; width: 100% !important;}a:link{color:white;}a:hover{color:white;}a:visited{color: white;}p{color: black; font-size:11pt; font-family:segoe ui}*{-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;}div[style*="margin: 16px 0"]{margin:0 !important;}table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt !important; mso-table-rspace: 0pt !important;}table{border-spacing: 0 !important; border-collapse: collapse !important; table-layout: fixed !important; margin: 0 auto !important;}table table table{table-layout: auto;}</style></head><body>

<table style="width:600px; margin:1em auto; border-spacing: 0; border-width:0px; background-color: white; border-collapse:collapse">

<tr bgcolor="black">

<td colspan=3 style="text-align: center; height:30px"><span style="color:white; font-size:16pt">Your activity statement is ready, <ARCUST.L_NAME></span></td>



<td colspan=3>

<span style="color: black; font-size:11pt; font-family:segoe ui">Hello <ARCUST.L_NAME>,

Your activity statement is attached and full account history is available at <a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount" style="color:black">account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount</a>

If your invoice(s)  is/are set to AutoPay you may disregard this email.

To enjoy the benefits of AutoPay please fill out the attached ACH authorization form and email it to <a style="color:black;" href="mailto:ar@koblesystems.com?subject=RE:%20Invoice%20<ORDER_NO>">ar@koblesystems.com</a> <b><i>or </i></b><a style="color:black;" href="https://account.koblesystems.com/custom/paymentmethods">login</a> to your online account to configure. All AutoPay invoices are automatically paid 15 days after the invoice date. You will receive an invoice copy on the invoice date, and a payment receipt when the funds are withdrawn.






<tr style="height:35px">

<td colspan=3 align="center" bgcolor="#1c3a30"><a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/payorders" style="color:white"> Pay my invoice</a></td>



<td colspan=3>We hope you enjoy the added convenience, security, and control of our online portal.

If you have any questions, please reach out.


Thank you for your business

<a style="color:black;" href="mailto:ar@koblesystems.com?subject=RE:%20Invoice%20<ORDER_NO>">ar@koblesystems.com</a>




<td colspan=3 style="background-color: black; text-align: center; padding: 5px;">

<p style="color:white;"><a href="https://account.koblesystems.com/store/myaccount">My Account</a> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <a href="https://www.koblesystems.com/resources">Client Resources</a></p>




<td colspan=3 style="background-color:black; text-align: center; padding: 5px;">

<span style="color:white;">Koble Systems

350 New Holland Ave, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602, USA




Customer Create Limit and Account Balance Message

Correct: "This customer's credit limit is " + ALLTRIM(str(arcust->cred_lim,12,2)) +"."

Incorrect: "This customer's credit limit is " + arcust->cred_lim +"."


Correct: "Credit limit information:" + Chr(13) + "  -Credit limit: " + ALLTRIM(str(arcust->cred_lim,12,2)) + Chr(13) + "  -Account balance: " + ALLTRIM(str((arcusdet->bal_0 + arcusdet->pur_1 + arcusdet->pur_2 + arcusdet->pur_3 + arcusdet->pur_4 + arcusdet->pur_5 + arcusdet->pur_6 + arcusdet->pur_7 + arcusdet->pur_8 + arcusdet->pur_9 + arcusdet->pur_10 + arcusdet->pur_11 + arcusdet->pur_12 - arcusdet->pay_1 - arcusdet->pay_2 - arcusdet->pay_3 - arcusdet->pay_4 - arcusdet->pay_5 - arcusdet->pay_6 - arcusdet->pay_7 - arcusdet->pay_8 - arcusdet->pay_9 - arcusdet->pay_10 - arcusdet->pay_11 - arcusdet->pay_12),12,2))


Incorrect: "Credit limit information:" + Chr(13) + "  -Credit limit: " + arcust->cred_lim + Chr(13) + "  -Account balance: " + (arcusdet->bal_0 + arcusdet->pur_1 + arcusdet->pur_2 + arcusdet->pur_3 + arcusdet->pur_4 + arcusdet->pur_5 + arcusdet->pur_6 + arcusdet->pur_7 + arcusdet->pur_8 + arcusdet->pur_9 + arcusdet->pur_10 + arcusdet->pur_11 + arcusdet->pur_12 - arcusdet->pay_1 - arcusdet->pay_2 - arcusdet->pay_3 - arcusdet->pay_4 - arcusdet->pay_5 - arcusdet->pay_6 - arcusdet->pay_7 - arcusdet->pay_8 - arcusdet->pay_9 - arcusdet->pay_10 - arcusdet->pay_11 - arcusdet->pay_12)

Review Technical > EBMS Tables and Fields for placeholder information and to identify EBMS tables and fields.

Review Technical > Database Expressions for additional information on data formatting script tools.