Quick User Guide | Sales Staff

Documentation Guide for Sales Clerk


  1. Create customer accounts:  [Sales] Customers > Adding a New Customer

  2. Changing customer contact information:  [Sales] Customers > Changing Customer Information


  1. Quotes and pricing:  [Sales] Proposals > Overview

  2. Create new sales order:  [Sales] Sales Orders > Entering a Sales Order   May limit the unprocess step, price changes below a designated threshold, and other advanced tools limited to the sales manager.  

  3. Convert sales orders to proposal:  [Sales] Proposals > Optional Features > Convert sales orders to proposals

  4. Create, price, and manage materials lists within a sales order:  [Sales] Materials Lists > Overview


  1. Create rental contracts:  [Sales] Rental > Rentals Contract > Creating a Contract

  2. Billing Rentals:  [Sales] Rental > Rentals Contracts > Billing a Rental