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Dyna Products and Koble

How this manufacturing company took a people-focused, process first approach to implementing ERP in their growing business.

Dyna Products and Koble




Dyna Products doesn’t believe in slowing down because of “uncertain times”. In just four years they have transformed from an organization that operated off of just 10 desktop computers, a lot of paperwork, and a bit of shouting across the shop floor, into an almost entirely paperless operation with over 500 network devices used by over 50 employees. So, how did they do it?

Best known for their world class firewood processors (though they also do quite a bit of custom manufacturing and equipment rentals as well), they have proven their adaptability and ingenuity.

And it isn’t luck, either. They recognize that while every time is uncertain, they can be certain about where they stand as a business, and therefore can make strong decisions about what’s next.

Time for an ERP

In 2018, the team at Dyna realized that in order to grow quickly and to do it well, they would need to gain better insight into their business. They wanted to avoid getting stuck in time-wasting process drudgery and instead find a way to communicate seamlessly between departments, keep information accurate and up-to-date, and find relevant information faster.

“We realized that a piece of software can help us grow our business in a way that other methods don’t necessarily work. It can help us excel at effective communication and the time that a software like this can allow you to save is almost unmeasurable.”

With this in mind, they began the search for a good ERP system: one that would give them deep insight into where they stood as a business, and would support every employee at each end of the business, from the sales person to those on the production floor, to the guy managing inventory on-hand.

Why Koble?

A key qualification for an ERP partner for Dyna Products was the ERP company’s approach to the partnership, and their ability to focus the software on human success, not the other way around. After all, an ERP is only useful insofar as it is actually used.  

Justin Bisted, the CTO of Dyna Products, will be quick to tell anyone that a successful software implementation depends more on the people than it does on the software. The best software can fail if it is not implemented around employee success in their roles.

“It’s a human process first, and for me as an implementor, one of the things I have to look at is the way you do your job. After understanding that, then let’s tailor the software to make it easier and better.”

Cost and scalability were big factors too, as Dyna was still considered a small company at this point, which meant that a lot of enterprise solutions on the market weren’t well suited for them. However, they didn’t want to have to change software again once they grew further, and needed a tool that would grow with them.

Koble fit the bill.

“The type of company Koble has, their values and everything, mattered more than anything in the grand scheme of things to us.”

Building out their ERP

For Justin, a thorough implementation is far more important than anything else when it comes to software. He is adamant that as an organization they don’t cut corners, since it doesn’t matter how many cool features and capabilities your new software system has if your team can’t connect to it, or your hardware can’t keep up.

From connecting workflows, eliminating manual drudgery, and making actionable data readily available, as well as the specific features they needed – like the ability to do batch manufacturing – Koble provided the thorough and specific-to-their-business implementation that they needed. And the continued partnership has ensured that their team continues to be well-supported as they expand usage of the tool to achieve their goals.

“Without [Koble’s ERP], this would have been a lot more difficult. I’ve used and implemented both QuickBooks and Sage for multiple businesses, and neither of them even come close to what Koble has to offer. The way it works and scales, and especially the individuals we work with behind the system, are all reasons I love working with Koble.”

Finding certainty in uncertain times

"If you don’t know what you're doing today, that means you weren’t keeping track of what you had yesterday. If you are worried about the future, get an ERP system”

With Koble at their back, Dyna Products can accurately track what they had yesterday, and therefore have certainty about where they stand today, allowing them to tackle change with confidence. They’ve got big plans for their business, and a bright future ahead.

“During uncertain times one of the things Koble can do is make your business more certain.”


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