The ACH Payment Receipt can be sent electronically to customers using the Auto Send option. This process will send the customer an electronic receipt for their direct ACH payment.
Creating or Changing an Auto Send Mode
Complete the following steps to set up a send mode for customer ACH payments.
Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes from the main EBMS menu to open the following list:
Click the New button to create a new Auto Send Mode and open the following dialog or select a Customer ACH Auto Send Mode and click Properties. Skip to Step 6 if the mode has already been created:
Each Auto Send Mode requires a unique Key ID. This Key ID should be a simple descriptive code that does not include spaces or symbols.
Select Customer ACH as the Send Mode option as shown above.
Enter a short Description of the send mode type. This description should clearly describe the mode process. Note that this text is used as the EBMS menu label. Click OK to continue.
Configure the Send Mode Properties as shown below:
Enable the Show on Menu checkbox option to display the Customer ACH Auto Send mode on the EBMS Sales menu. This option is needed to run the Send Now tool from the EBMS menu.
Click on the Edit Query button to select the group of customer ACH direct payments that were processed as shown below:
The query example shown above will send a Payment Report to all customers who made ACH payments. Review Set Query Options for more details on creating query expressions. Click the OK button to save. -
Click the View Queried List to view all customer ACH payments in the payment report as shown below:
The Current Queried List lists all ACH payments and vendors that match the query and have not been previously sent. The Send Date must be blank.
Click the Purge button to populate the Send Date for all payments listed, removing them from a query. A purge is often required when a new query is created. Click the Close button. -
Keep the default values for the Fields to Assign options, because they are advanced settings.
Enter the ACH Payment Report as Report 1. This report is specifically designed to use with Auto Send. Click the Send Mode Advanced tab to configure the exported PDF Attachment Name.
Review Auto Send Additional Documents to include other reports to this E-mail.
The Minimum Report File Size feature allows you to halt email sends for export files that are below a certain file size. This value should be set at about 10 KB less than the average exported PDF file size to prohibit blank reports to be sent as an attachment. (Please contact Koble Systems support for suggested values on this advanced setting.)
Enable the Attach a copy of the document(s) when auto sending E-mails option to attach a PDF file that is formatted for the customer to print. Disable this option to place the payment information on the email instead of an attachment. Note that no document attachments will be included in the email if this option is disabled.
Disable the Export generated PDFs to the temp directory option to record a copy of the document to the shared Export Folder identified in the Auto Send General tab. Enable this option only if the documents should be copied to the computer's temporary directory.
Set up the Task Scheduler App to automate the process to email receipts to the customer. Review Automate using Task Scheduler App for instructions to send invoices on a daily basis.
Click on the Send Mode Properties Contact Priorities tab to enter the recipient options. Review Contact Priorities for configuration details on these important recipient settings.
Select the Send Mode Properties Advanced tab to set the PDF Attachment Name created by the reports configured in the Send Mode Properties. User-defined file names can be set for each of the corresponding reports set in the main property tab described previously in this section.
Click on the Send Mode Properties E-mail Settings tab as shown below:
The E-mail Settings determine the details of the email document that will be automatically sent.-
The recommended From Address matches the From Address entered within the . Customer replies will be sent to this email.
Use the BCC Address to send a copy of all emails to the responsible employee or department so the accounting staff can verify the successful sending of the payment reports.
Enter an appropriate Subject line for the email type.
Enter the appropriate Body Text using HTML or plain text syntax. The keywords list located at the bottom of the dialog can be used within the email body. Note that line break tags (<br />) may cause extra lines in the email.
Customer Configuration
The customer record must contain contact information before an ACH receipt can be automatically sent to the customer.
Open a customer record by selecting Sales > Customers from the main EBMS menu and select a customer. Click on the General tab > Contacts tab to view the contact list as shown below.
Enter a contact Job Title that matches the setting within the Contact Priorities dialog. Additional contacts can be added to this tab that are not related to any Auto Send modes.
The Auto Send module will only use E-Mail and Fax contact information, so carefully configure these contact types for customers who should receive Auto Send email communication.
Review the Test Mode section for a way to put the system in test mode to determine if the setting options are set up properly.
The Auto Send Sales ACH Payment receipt details can be found at the following locations:
- Review the Viewing or Voiding Customer Payments section to review the Auto Send details.